Ping (Test Connectivity) Type the IP address of the host you want to ping and press Return. If you have access to a Domain Name Server (DNS), you can type a DNS host name like "" in the name field and press Return. To lookup a name or address, type the name or address in the corresponding field and press Lookup (the small magnifying glass next to the name field). A popup history menu keeps a list of Recent Targets. The content of the Name field is added to the history menu when a test to that name is invoked. The Name or Address field is added to the history menu when the Lookup button is pressed. If the menu becomes full (10 entries), the least recently used item will be replaced. To remove an item from the history menu, select that item while pressing the Option key. Notice you can type an IP address in the Name field to have it added to the history menu. Network connections are tested by sending an echo request packet and waiting to receive an echo response (ICMP echo test, called "ping"). A green check mark indicates the corresponding echo datagram was sent or received. A red "X" indicates there was no response within the timeout interval. An orange "X" indicates a "Destination unreachable" response was received. An orange check mark indicates a response was received from an IP address that doesn't match the ping target. The IPNetMonitor Log Window may provide more information. "Limit" specifies the number packets to send for this test. If Limit is zero or blank, the test will continue indefinitely with any lost packets recorded in the Log Window. "Delay" specifies the delay in seconds between sending packets. "Size" specifies the size of the ping datagram in bytes assuming a 20 byte IP header. The smallest ICMP echo request is 28 bytes, and the largest supported size is 2048 bytes. If the size specified exceeds the network MTU, the datagram may be fragmented. If you have Internet Config installed, you can make IPNetMonitor a helper application for URLs of the form or (where the last three numbers specify the Limit, Delay, and Size if present). You can test a range of IP addresses by entering two addresses separated by a hyphen. for example. The results of each test are recorded in the Log Window. When you invoke one window from another, the corresponding data is automatically transferred. Invoke the Trace Route window from the Window menu (Cmd-R) to begin a Trace Route to this same IP Address. Invoke the Subnet Calculator (Cmd-B) to transfer the IP Address to the Subnet Calculator. Keyboard Shortcuts: Cmd-Period Abort a test or lookup in progress Cmd-T Open another Ping window Cmd-R Trace Route to this address Cmd-K Test Link Rate to this address Cmd-B Transfer address to Subnet Calculator Cmd-Y Port Scan Cmd-Z Address Scan Cmd-1 Launch telnet GURL to this same address Cmd-2 Launch HTTP GURL to this same address Tab Move between fields Cmd-U Lookup